Award-winning placeshaping experts, we approach design intuitively and our high street and regeneration projects have won accolades from RIBA, the Civic Trust, New London Architecture and The Pineapples.

We specialise in the delivery of planet and socially conscious placeshaping. We work with communities and skilled partner organisations to build better places at the beating heart of high streets and town centres.

We regularly collaborate with like-minded professionals including architects, developers, artists, graphic designers, Business Improvement Districts, creative and cultural organisations.

Clients & Collaborators include:

  • Adams & Sutherland

  • Aldo Rinaldi

  • Arup

  • Artin

  • Atelier ANF

  • Augarde & Partners

  • Better Bankside

  • Berkeley Homes

  • Blue Bermondsey BID

  • Bouygues Linkcity

  • Brent Council

  • Child Graddon Lewis

  • Concept Culture

  • IF_DO

  • Issi Nanabeyin

  • Linea Properties

  • London Festival of Architecture

  • Lost Text Found Space

  • MacFarlane & Associates

  • make:good

  • Meanwhile Space

  • OMMX

  • Peabody

  • Royal Borough of Greenwich

  • Sam Jacob Studio

  • Sanchez Benton Architects

  • Simon Roberts

  • new-works

  • Team London Bridge

  • vPPR

  • Where Pathways Meet

  • Yasmin Jones-Henry